Zambian Leadership Team
Yanila Luhanga Mukape
Breath of Heaven Children’s Ministries
Country Director- Zambia
Joseph Mwale
Breath of Heaven Hope Clinic
Medical Administrator
Dr. Rodrick Sakamba
Breath of Heaven Academy
Principal, Technical Secondary School & Vocational Training College
Emmy Phiri
Breath of Heaven Academy
Primary Principal of BOHA
Mulenga Katongo
Breath of Heaven Worship Centre and Children’s Village
Pastor and Village Father
Benson Mwenya
Breath of Heaven Children’s Village
Social Services Coordinator
Happy Banda
Breath of Heaven Hope Clinic
Clinical Officer
Ndauza Mtonga Jr.
Breath of Heaven Children’s Village
Children’s Village Administrator
Jane Sakala
Breath of Heaven Children’s Village
Head Matron
Ground Team
In addition to the key staff positions highlighted above, we have around 71 Zambians who are regular employees at the Breath of Heaven campus. These include House Mothers and Aunties who provide direct care for the children, Teachers and other staff who operate the school, property maintenance workers, guards, drivers, and cooks. When building projects are underway, we hire up to 25 additional workers from the surrounding community. Breath of Heaven Children’s Ministries is truly a boom to the local economy!