Moved by the Wind of Heaven

We’ve all had moments when we were moved and tugged by something beyond what we can see. Like the times when you see the effects of the wind but you can’t see the wind.  It blows where it wishes… moving things, pushing them with power. And, in those moments of being moved - pushed - we have a choice.  The choice is to respond to our hearts being moved or to ignore it and go about our day - one task in front of the other.  I once read a missionary’s words, “Lord, you may have better men for the job, but if they’re not willing, try me… my life is way too dear to waste on myself.” My wife Deena, daughter Dakota, and I responded to a cry that echoed across international borders all the way from Lusaka, Zambia to us in California.  The sound could not be denied - as the Holy Spirit led and tugged us to “GO, make disciples of all nations”.  And as God moved us, we responded and went to Breath of Heaven to serve alongside many people who make it a place of peace which surpasses understanding.  The moment we arrived, the mothers of Breath of Heaven (B of H) were singing, welcoming us with a tune that can only be experienced. I can best describe it as angels ushering us into the presence of and joy from the Lord. From that point forward, we knew this place was built on the Rock of Jesus Christ, and his pure and undefiled religion, “… to visit orphans and widows in their distress…”  - to love them and care for them. We saw this in the hearts of all the people at B of H - from the Aunties, to the Mothers, the staff, and - breathtaking enough - the kids.  The kids… wow… We were there for only one day before my 12 year old daughter Dakota said, “the love of Jesus shines through them dad. I feel it!  They don’t want anything from us, they just want to give me a hug.” This testimony rings true to how God is working through B of H that is bringing up children who live and love like Jesus. My family and I were there for ten days and I would say it wasn’t enough. From watching the kids paint beautiful pictures on canvas, to horse-playing (as boys do best), to basketball tournaments with the kiddos, we were blown away by how much they loved us.  My wife Deena said, “We were allowed to love freely and receive love freely by the mothers and aunties, just as much as the kids.” We sometimes believe that we are going to give and serve in places like these. But the truth of it is, we actually receive more than we could ever give.  Jesus said, “by what measure you give, it shall be given to you.”  And, at Breath of Heaven - when you go - you experience a deep connection to the love of God himself through the people, and I guarantee you this; YOU will not want to leave!  Let the Living Breath of Heaven Himself lead you to go - and if not - send someone else that is willing.  GO, SEND, OBEY. Disobedience is too costly. It’s your choice.


A Celebration of Tradition, Triumph, and a Bright Future: Reflections on Our Breath of Heaven Academy Commencement


A Gift from Breath of Heaven